
Data Structure & Algorithms
Sorting Algorithms
01.  Program to implement Selection Sort
02.  Program to implement Insertion Sort
03.  Program to implement Merge Sort  using Linked List
04.  Program to implement Merge Sort using Array 
05.  Program to implement Quick Sort using Recursion
06.  Program to implement Heap Sort

01.  Program to implement Infix to Postfix Conversion
02.  Program to implement Infix to Postfix Conversion
03.  Program to implment Expression [ Infix Mode] Evaluation

C/C++ Language
Interesting Problems
01.  Program to calculate factorial of large numbers
02.  Program to print all unique substrings of given string
03.  Program to measure time taken by a function in C
04.  Program to check for balanced parentheses in an expression
05.  Program to check whether a given number is palindrome or not using recursive and non-recursive method
06.  Program to remove duplicate elements from an array
07.  Program to print Fibonacci series

Socket Programming in C Langauge
       Client Program
       Server Program

8086 Microprocessor
01.  Register Organization of 8086 microprocessor

Interesting Problems
01.  Assembly language Program to count no of occurence of any number in given array 
02.  Program in Assembly language to display a string
03.  Program in Assembly language to reverse a given string
04.  Program in Assembly language to add huge numbers

Pl/Sql Tutorials
01.  Introduction to Pl/Sql
02.  Difference between Sql, Sql*Plus & Pl/Sql
03.  Pl/Sql Serveroutput On
04.  Compiling and Executing simple program
05.  Create Table, Delete Table & Insert Into Statements 
06.  Data Types, Variables & Constant in Pl/Sql

Computer Graphics
01.  DDA( Digital Differential Analyzer) line draw algorithm program
02.  Program to implement Bresenham line drawing algorithm
03.  Program to implement Edge Fill Algorithm to fill a rectangle
04.  Program to implement Flood Fill Algorithm to fill a polygon
05.  Program to implement Boundary Fill Algorithm to fill a polygon
06.  Program to implement Mid Point Circle Drawing Algorithm
07.  Program to fill a bucket with water pipe 

01.  Program to implement Forward Kinematics problem [ Rotate robotic arm according to angle ]
02.  Program to implement  Inverse Kinematics problem  [ Check robotic arm reachability ]
03.  Program to find Robot work envelope according to robot arm configuration
04.  Program To Rotate A Multi-Link Mechanism (Graphically) Along Any Joint
05.  Rotation Of Both Two Linked Arm Simultaneously of the Robot

System Programming
01.  Program to implement Pass One of a Two Pass Assembler
02.  Program to implement Pass Two of a Two Pass Assembler
03.  Program to implement an Absolute Loader
04.  Program to implement a Relocating Loader

Operating System
01.  Program to implement First Fit Memory Management algorithm
02.  Program to implement Best Fit Memory Management algorithm
03.  Program to implement Worst Fit Memory Management algorithm
04.  Program to implement Contiguous File Allocation using Compaction Algorithm
05.  Program to implement First Come First Scheduling (FCFS) - Draw Gantt Chart and Calculate Avg Waiting Time and Avg Turn Around Time
06.  Program to implement Round Robin Scheduling - Draw Gantt Chart and Calculate Avg Waiting Time and Avg Turn Around Time
07.  Program to implement Non-Preemptive Priority Scheduling - Draw Gantt Chart and Calculate Average Waiting Time and Avg Turn Around Time
08.  Program to implement Non-Preemptive Shortest Job First (SJF) - Draw Gantt Chart and Calculate Average Waiting Time and Average Turn Around Time

Compiler Design
01.  Program to implement Lexical Analyzer in C

Information Theory & Coding
01.  Program to implement Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression algorithm in Java
02.  Program to implement Run Length Encoding compression algorithm in Java
03.  Program to implement Move to Front Encoding of Data algorithm in Java

01.  Graph representation using Adjacency matrix & Incidence matrix
02.  Program to implement Depth First Search & Breadth First Search in Graph using Incidence Matrix
03.  Program to implement Depth First Search & Breadth First Search in Graph using Adjacency Matrix
04.  Program to check given Graph is tree or not 
05.  Program to check one graph is subgraph of another graph
06.  Program to check given two graphs are isomorphic
07.  Program to check given two graphs are 1-isomorphic
08.  Program to Detect Cycle in Directed Graph
09.  Program to Detect Cycle in Undirected Graph
10.  Program to print all Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
11.  Program to print all path from a given source to destination
12.  Program to print all elementary cycles in a Directed Graph
13.  Program to print all elementary cycles in an Undirected Graph

Interview Questions
01. Program to print  all possible text from Morse Code [ Navyug Infosolution Pvt. Ltd. ]
02. Program to print reverse words in a given string